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Dry mix for building with aerated concrete EN 998-2

Composition and properties:
Dry grey cement based mix, mineral fillers and polymer additives.

For indoor and outdoor use. Adhesive for building aerated concrete and other cellular concrete for building inner and outer walls.

The product is applicable on:
− aerated concrete

Not applicable on: wood, metal, plastic, rubber, cement binding bases where the drying process is not finished.

Product data:
Delivery form: 25 kg paper bags, 40 bags/1000 kg per pallet

Storage: in dry places on wooden grills in the original closed package for around 12 months

Technical data: estimated under normal weather indexes +20C/60% air humidity

Water quantity needed: 0,27 l/kg

Usage time: 5 hours

Correction time: 7 min

Max. layer thickness: to 5 mmNumber Indexes Characteristics and norms

1 Outlook Dry grey cement based mix
2 Fresh solution Max grain size (0,5 mm) & le; 8
3 Hard-set solution Cohesion strength with gas concrete N/mm2  ≥ 0,3
4 Compressive strength N/mm2 ≥ 10
5 Density of the hard-set solution in dry condition kg/m2 From 1500 to 1700

Application instructions: To work with “Adhesive for aerated concrete” are needed: electrical or manual stirrer, broom or hard brush, notched mortar trowel, level, rubber/plastic hammer, vessel.

Application technique:

Mix preparation: Add the mix into water in the following proportion 1:35 (water 0,27 kg/dry mix 1 kg) until reaching the needed density of the mix. Stay for 2-3 min and then stir again until the mix homogenizes.

Proportion: 6,75 l water for 25 kg
Stick the aerated concrete by pressing and level by gently knocking with a rubber/plastic rubber.

Following treatment:
Clean the solution that exits from the fugues.

Safety regulations:
Any specific information on composition, danger, cleaning and other measures can be viewed in the safety list.

Important instructions:
− Follow the norms and technical maps regarding base and cover
− Do not apply in temperatures below +5 C, direct sunlight, rain, strong wind
− High air humidity and low temperatures slow down the binding process while high temperatures speed up the process.
− Do not add other materials

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